Smart-ID is now available in Belgium!

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Frequently Asked Questions

On rare occasions you may come across a situation where you’ve not initiated any authorisations, but your Smart-ID app still pops up asking for your PIN-code. Do not enter your PIN-code for any requests that you have not initiated!

In most cases, it’s due to a human error and not malice: for example, your personal details could be very similar to those of another user and they’ve made a mistake while trying to access their own account. If your username (or social security number) was used, it’s your Smart-ID that the authorisation request would be sent to. Do NOT enter the PIN-code, as it would be your account that will be opened if the username and PIN-code match!

This is also the reason why you should not allow your family members, secretary, accountant etc to initiate authorisation requests on your behalf. You’ll never know if you’re accidentally granting access to a stranger!

Always check that the security code and activity description match your desired action before you type in the PIN. You should never enter your PIN-code if you’re unable to confirm the authenticity of the request yourself!

Some service providers have opted for a three code verification to protect you even further from accidental mishaps like this.


What to do when you get a random PIN-code request?

When the PIN-pad pops up, don’t enter the PIN: instead, click on “Cancel” (bottom left) and the authorisation request will be nulled for you. You should also know that all authorisation requests will automatically time out after a few minutes, so even if you do nothing, your data will be kept safe.

There is no need to be overly stressed about an unsolicited PIN-code request: it’s usually due to a human error and not because someone is trying to hack into your bank account. However, if it is happening regularly, get in touch with our customer service.