Smart-ID is now available in Belgium!

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Smart-ID Updates Support for Operating Systems and Apps


Starting from December 2023, to use the biometric identity verification features in the Smart-ID app (version 23.9 and later), users will need to have at least Android 7 on their phones.

From June 2024, the minimum operating system version required to use biometry features on Apple devices will be iOS 14.

In May 2024, we are releasing a new version of the Smart-ID app. Support will eventually end for all versions released before this, meaning they will no longer work and it’s impossible to use Smart-ID service. In addition, the new app will only be compatible with devices running at least Android 6 or iOS 13. For most users, the change will be smooth but for a very small number of users there might be a need to replace the phone if it is impossible to upgrade it to the minimum required operating system. If you cannot update your device, we strongly advise taking appropriate measures before these changes in Smart-ID are implemented.

Users already using devices supporting these new requirements are encouraged to regularly check for updates and keep both their operating system and the Smart-ID app always up to date.

For any assistance, don’t hesitate to use our in-app support or check our FAQs page. Your security is our primary concern, and we thank you for continuing to rely on Smart-ID for your digital identity needs. Please find here more detailed information about updating Smart-ID, and here the system requirements of the application.