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Smart-ID Reaches 5 million Active Accounts, Showcasing Growth and Multi-Device Usage


Over the past two years, Smart-ID has consistently shown steady growth, maintaining a stable trajectory without dramatic spikes. This stable upward trend is further bolstered by the platform’s unique feature, allowing individuals to manage multiple accounts to cater to their diverse needs and preferences.

Across the Baltic region, Smart-ID has gained tremendous traction, with Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania collectively accounting for an impressive number of accounts. In Estonia alone, there are 964,490 active Smart-ID accounts, highlighting the platform’s popularity and trust among Estonian users. Meanwhile, Latvia boasts 1,579,924 active Smart-ID accounts, indicating its significant presence and growing usage in the country. Additionally, in Lithuania, Smart-ID has gained substantial momentum, with 2,375,314 active accounts, reflecting the platform’s widespread adoption and preference among Lithuanian individuals.

In terms of transaction volumes, May recorded an impressive 82.8 million transactions, marking the second-highest monthly figure in Smart-ID’s history. Although not a record-breaking number, it underlines the platform’s robustness and its crucial role in facilitating secure and efficient online transactions.

SK ID Solutions remains committed to delivering cutting-edge e-identity solutions, continuously enhancing the Smart-ID platform’s features and security measures. With 5 million active Smart-ID accounts and a strong focus on user convenience, SK ID Solutions solidifies its position as a leader in the industry, empowering individuals across multiple devices and providing secure digital authentication for a seamless online experience everywhere in the world.